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Our News

Large perforation

05 July 2022

Large perforation

Micro suction ear wax removal is a safe method of removing ear wax even if the client has a perfo...

Waxaxe Database

17 May 2022

10,500 clients !

I now have approximately 10,500 clients on my database and this rises every day. That is a lot of...

filter stuck in ear

04 April 2022

not always wax.......

Most of the time I just remove ear wax from people's ears. Sometimes, however, I find more than I...

Tympanometry Immittance Report

09 March 2022


I would like to introduce a new service called tympanometry. A tympanometer is a device that...

Earol Olive Oil Spray

01 February 2022

Why olive oil ??

Why do I always recommend clients use olive oil drops for 5-7 days before their micro suction app...

ear wax removal procedure

03 January 2022

Happy New Ear !!

Happy New Year to all my loyal customers and new ones to come.   Gosh, what a year it was. W...

Christmas hearing

07 December 2021

Christmas Hearing

So it's nearly Christmas and the diary gets busy at this time of year with people who realise the...

Keratin ear debris

26 October 2021


Remember I talked about micro suction as a procedure to remove debris in the ears other than wax?...

hearing aid dome wedged in ear canal

30 September 2021

Foreign body in ear canal

If left untreated, a foreign object in the ear can cause pain, infection and hearing loss. If you...