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Our procedures

We use a variety of new and original procedures to help you

Wax Removal using Micro-suction Procedure

The practitioner uses an Oscope (a 12mm converged binocular optical system) to see inside the ear canal. Using the micro-suction apparatus, the wax is gently suctioned out of the ear canal until clear.

Benefits of Micro-suction

  • Pain free and very quick
  • No syringing which can be stressful and cause trauma to the eardrum.
  • No mess.
  • Safe for patients who may have a perforated eardrum, previous surgery or even recurring infections.
Wax Removal

Video Otoscopy (initial inspection)

Using a video otoscope, visual examination of the ear canal so that wax blockage can be observed and seen by patient.

Why Video Otoscopy?

Most advanced video otoscope on the market

Crisp full colour images of the ear canal and ear drum

You can see before and after micro suction procedure

Built in heating system reduces delays caused by condensation

If infection or abnormality is found, image can be emailed to client to show to GP online

Images can be saved for future reference

Video Otoscopy (after micro-suction)

Patient can see the ear canal after the procedure to check that it is clear.

Video Otoscopy
Hearing Test

Ear Irrigation

I have been performing micro suction ear wax removal for many years now. I am competent and confident in this method as an effective and safe method of removing excessive ear wax from the ears. However, there are occasions when I cannot remove the wax in the first appointment. If the client has been using an ear drop product that is not olive oil, the wax can dissolve and smear across the ear drum. This is difficult to remove with micro suction. Also, if the wax is compacted and extremely hard, the suction cannot always remove it without further softening. With this in mind, I now have an ear irrigation machine. Using warm water, the machine rinses the ear removing soft wax from the eardrum or softening extra hard wax, pushing it towards the entrance of the ear canal.

This procedure is not always recommended if the client has, for example, a perforated ear drum or regular infections. The triage medical questionnaire will establish who is suitable for this method of ear wax removal.

Patient Telephone Questionnaire

Assess medical history, ear health, previous surgery etc. and explanation of procedure.