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‘New Normal’


I am a bit tired of the saying ‘ this is the new normal’ but we know what people mean when they say it. Since returning to my wax removal clinics full time I have had to get used to working in a new way and so have my clients. In the GP surgeries in Wickham and Petersfield, clients cannot use the waiting room so I have to go outside to collect them. In Davies chemist in Havant we use the side entrance to keep traffic out of the pharmacy. All clients have been wearing masks and hand sanitiser and everyone has their temperature taken upon arrival. I now wear mask, gloves and an apron for every appointment and the rooms are completely sanitised between appointments.

It is also busier than it was before. Most GP surgeries had stopped ear syringing anyway and now none of the surgeries are offering the service to patients ( from what I hear). Micro suction appointments at the hospital have also been suspended.

My clinics are now open Monday – Friday in Havant, Petersfield and Wickham I’m managing to offer appointments within a few days to a week.

So, we are all getting used to the ‘new normal’ and I think it may just become ‘normal’ !